Swara is a soothing Indian Fusion project by Noel Scerri and Anthony Curmi whom are musically inseparable. Having this solid bond as a backbone to any of their interesting projects, and after having formed the critically much well acclaimed Indian Fusion band Cushion, Noel and Anthony wanted to return to their roots.

Swara is a modern approach, a new perspective, to the ancient enchanting sounds of Indian music. Using only Sitar and Keys, which actually are two opposites when comparing the ultra modern technology that Noel is using in this project, opposed to the ancient bare and enchanting sound of the sacred Indian Sitar that Anthony lays over the carpet of sublime ambience, creates a truly magical and unique sound, Swara.

Noel and Anthony are studying Indian Classical music together, using a method that even in itself is innovative, and to this knowledge base, they are adding modern ideas with no boundaries to create their own unique sound. Swara is an experience in itself, and the wall of sound created by Swara is quite impressive when considering that all the music one receives is coming just from two musicians. Noel and Anthony are also humble in approach, and they state that even if they touch just one single spirit during their performance night, they are satisfied. Thing is, it happens that with their beautiful music, good for young and old and basically for all open minds, they are surely doing more than just that. With their increasing appearances, a few recordings also in mind, and a growing fan base, Swara seems to be more than just a duo, and surely a special one.